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March 27, 2017

Drink of the Gods ...

 How Do You Find Your Celtic Animal Totem?
Well it is a little more complex than simply looking up a chart and seeing which qualities a person displays the most. Often times someones Celtic animal signs can overlap. Therefore the reading of them requires the skilled hand of Celtic reader. Basically there are about 5 main categories of totem animal types. These are Earth, Water, Air, Insects and Reptiles & Amphibians.
When it comes to working out what their Celtic animal totem sign is, a person refers to all following:
1. Animals that may appear in their dreams.
2. Animals that may cross one’s path during course of the day or at a time when the person is seeking to know more about themselves.

note2seLF:   while craving MilkDuds, you Drew Poker Hands...
                    Drink of the Gods =  Sweet Liquid of FLowers
                    Amrita = the Beverage of ImmortaLiTY

"o, How i Love Sugar"  ~  Sunny Finndyr        

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