Blog VauLT


August 10, 2014

Coffee, Yahtzee, & the Universe ...

ahh, this feels more tumblr*ish...  
my quest this mornin' was to find the best name for the day.  my first thought was flowers, my 2nd thought was backup right before the beginning of a perceived chaos(napi) the name spilled out from the big U, top of the list for top o' the mornin'.  

EmilY ~ she alone makes me Laugh.  
the choices to follow were:
Abigail, Ashley, Isabella, Grace, Sophia (Lauren - Briana), Natalie, Anna
Chloe, Ava.  Megan, Allison.  laughing inward & quietly @ Makayla
Paige & Savannah bringing up the rear, i mean end.   Not, the end.

Other names to begin my playing Yahtzee alone, drinkin' coffee w/too much cream, and reflecting winter homes in Vale and the maintenance that comes w/the territory were:

Zed, Cinderella, Sapphire  (a form of yra) - (a rhyming w/Lola) & Raelyn
Anson and one sounding like Rain yet a direct descendant of Einstein...
Peter, Keanu, Farren and Ebenezer
Fiona, the real Lola, & (one of those blues) i'mSure.
a pink, a brown, and a negro.
but, oh, the irony, of using the Universe as a "search tool" =
= Sea Star Heroine
= Pure Beauty & Evil
= Victory & Wisdom
= Determined Noble Nickname (giggLes w/confidence)
= Heaven: Gentle Roman God aka: Ancient Zabaglione Lord
= Destruction
= Dream / iLLusion
= Deer -  Snow
~                          ~                                ~                ~

Same list part Dos:
Lily, Faith, Zoe  and a trailer named Stephanie
Jenna Howell, Andrea Dupont'a'priest, Riley ALJ & Angelina
Today, 34 yrs ago, Kimberly was born (i know what 34yrs feels like)
Madyline w/an e
Mary, aka: a form of (yra)
Leah, the unsuspecting(shame on you for not heeding advice) mother of daughters
Lillian:  yesterday @ the I met Alberta & Patricia Peterson(on 2nd thought maybe mrs. potter is not the great-white-spirit seamstress)
Michelle SLJ, Amanda, Sara(a fellow introvert, aka: hoarder of strawberry recipes), and Jordan
Gabrielle, Audrey, Autumn, and the party girl: Evelyn
Diana - who is here now!
Sierra opposed to Sienna
Erin & Amelia
and Claire
Scene two:  the Beast enters the room

                                                               ~ the End

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