Blog VauLT


October 10, 2018


struggling with words...
this phone turns on  and it was 12:17 midnight...
i was listening to Kutless - That's What Faith Can Do!!

then i couldn't put a meaning to the moment.
time changed to 12:18.  volume was 52. 
today, now being 10.10.18

so, maybe a Christmas Gift!

1 comment:

Gus said...

So today, Hurricane Michael in Florida Panhandle... am leaving the bank, it was 1218 noon. I wasn't paying attention much to the time until after the Beach Boys came on and sang "Don't Worry Baby" and then I understood where it came from when "Old Fashioned Love Song" - Three Dog Night... and i knew the

Kutless song, "What Faith Can Do" song had played the night before, with the phone lighting up at 1218 am.

thanks old Man